I have carried out some more work on the DMU layout, I have added a cork path around the Industrial Buildings, made the engineers yard by laying more cork and finally yet more cork was employed to make the Car Park. I used 1/8th cork for all applications, on top of the original corked base board.
I decided that the Industrial Building were just to heavy to be permanently fixed, so left a trench for them to fit in between the path and the back scene, they will now travel to Exhibitions in a separate box!
I have also painted the platform top and added the white safety line on the edge. I used my own mix of Humbrol paints. I did the same for the Car Park and Industrial units path. Lastly I used Railmatch ‘concrete’ colour to start to form the engineers area. You will note that rather than corking the whole area of the yard, I laid strips of cork to simulate the way real concrete is laid.
The final additions to the layout is that I have formed the shell for the road bridge and added the buffer stops temporarily.