BR(W) Push – Pull Coach

At a recent exhibition I saw this coach for sale by a trader, although I already had a similar coach in Crimson and Cream, I purchased the coach for £100. I knew when I purchased it that it had a few problems with some parts laying in the box! After a quick look, I saw that all displaced parts we there and it was just a case of reconstruction.

When I got home I added all the errant parts and painted over any joins. I have just weathered the coach to a medium level and must admit that I am pleased with cheap addition to my stock.

Heljan Observation Saloon

Well, been waiting a long time for this, and it has eventually arrived. After I had put back all the pieces that had fallen off in transit and straightened the air horns which were bent quite badly, it was ready for a light weathering. This is an O Gauge Maroon Midland Region version and will run with Steam and early Diesel Locos, so could not be left pristine.

Class 26 in O Gauge- Long Story

And when I say a long story – I mean it! This Loco is from Heljan’s first run of Class 26’s and as such suffered from major gearing problems, how they got away with such a shambles I really don’t know. Anyway, before Xmas last year I purchased a set of Brass gears from Ultrascale that cost over £60 with the intention of making both this Loco and a similar Class 26 operate of one bogie not two, at least that brought the costs down to £30 per Loco and that works for me as I only have a Depot layout so no heavy trains to pull. This has been achieved with the help of my friend Peter from within our Group – thanks Mate, the other one is ‘in works’ now.

So, rather belatedly I have now weathered it, results as under.

Dark Lane at BSE Cathedral

John and Graham took my layout ‘Dark Lane’ to the Bury St Edmunds MRC 75 year anniversary Exhibition at the Cathedral today. I went over for three hours in the middle of the day, and what an Exhibition that was – probably the best Exhibition I have attended since the heyday of the Colchester Exhibitions many years ago.

Congratulations must go to all the Club members, especially their Exhibition Manager Chris Day on his last show before handing on to someone else.

Today was the first time Dark Lane had been run with its DCC Sound operated through a Mobile Phone – it ran faultlessly all day – thanks Graham for introducing us ‘to the modern way’

Pegasus Cement Ready

It has been tight, but the layout is now ready for its first Exhibition. The O Gauge shunting plank will attend the GOG Meet Up at Bury St Edmunds on Sunday (15/9).

My part in its development is now over after doing all the weathering of stock and buildings. I have also added an office building above the entrance and some barrels, pallets and loaded pallets.

I think Graham, the owner plans to add a portacabin or similar and some workers. That should pull it all together nicely.

Pegasus Cement Factory (5)

Well, the cement loading Silo is now weathered and below is photographed in roughly the right place on the layout. It is still missing one ladder and safety hoop, but this should be available soon.

I think that there are several things I would do differently in hindsight, mainly revisit the height of the backscene.

I now consider phase one is complete and it will be attending the two Exhibitions booked for this year, I really hope that there will be a phase two next year to put some of the wrongs right!