Class 86/2 Anglia OO Locos

I have already added these Locos to my Face Book Page, but I forgot to put them on here! These started off as three new Locos all being ‘The Round Tabler’! I have renumbered, renamed and weathered all three as I remembered them in 1998-2002. Sad to say that these locos do not feature in any future plans and as such are surplus to my requirements.

Photo Plank – idea

I recently refurbished my OO and O Gauge photo planks, they are several years old and needed some TLC. I also put photos of the O Gauge plank on a superb website called – Realistic Model Railways – it is a very friendly site and cultivates ideas for yourself and others. Anyway a kind gentleman suggested that I should try a ‘curved’ corner on the plank – this was to improve the photos and cut down on sharp shadows formed by the corner. I think I have seen this method used on a few layouts over the years.

I intend to re-do both the O and OO planks when I get time – but in the meantime I had a go at the suggestion on the OO plank and ‘patched’ it in – did it work. Yes it did, thank you kind Sir.



Please Note – this was quickly done and the replacement will have a photographic background. By the way the Tamper was scratch-built 40 years ago by myself and a friend.

Refurbished Photo Planks

My photo planks were looking a bit tatty, so I decided to freshen them up a bit. A clean and then patch up on both, finished off the new backscene on the O Gauge plank. I have left the hand painted backscene on the OO plank. Added quite a bit of groundcover bushes and grasses on both. All I need to do now is become a better photographer!!!!

It is my ultimate plan to produce two new planks, twice the size and much more detailed with photographic backscenes.

O Gauge

OO Gauge

OO Class 47 weathered

Here are a few old Heljan 47’s that I weathered this afternoon. All are detailed one end and retain tension locks at the other, I have also replaced the cab handrails for something a bit finer. I detailed these many years ago but have only just weathered them. I still think they look good and are a good entry level for a cheapish 47 – plenty available on selling sites for around £80.

OO Coaches revisited

Its marvellous what projects I took on over twenty years ago, and the amount of time I spent doing them. I certainly could not repeat a lot of them now I am almost 75 Years Old!

I had somebody ask about coaches I had repainted the other day and dug them out and photographed them for old times sake!

Five Coaches in Nat Express – East Anglia – 3 x 2nd Class– 1 x 1st Class– Buffet 1st

(I used to run a ONE DVT with this set)

Anglia Rake – 6 coaches — 1 x 1st Class –3 x 2nd Class– 1 x Buffet — 1 x DBSO

J15 in OO with Tender Cab

Here we have a Hornby OO J15 with an added Tender Cab. This is a 3D printed item from NIU Models. This is a straight forward addition with the minimum trimming needed, but it will need a small painting job, a little weathering will help blend Tender Cab. We chose the Loco number from actual photos to ensure the finished model is prototypical.