Another busy few days on the layout (shunting plank), I have added the lights, people, fixtures and fittings. The only thing to do really is blending with the airbrush, but this will have to wait for a little warmer weather. The cameo scenes are complete, but still waiting for a couple of items to arrive in the post.
So there we are, a very good project that helped me survive the dreaded Covid 19 and associated Lock Downs. It took me about five weeks to make on an already made Baseboard and Fiddle Yard. This is the fourth layout I have made during the Pandemic and thoughts now turn to the fifth, but what will it be? I must admit that if it was a lot warmer them my choice would be more Loco painting and weathering, but working indoors in a very limited space (the kitchen), it is likely be another small layout. My only black thought is whether I will ever be able to Exhibit them in the future, bearing in mind I am in a vulnerable group and my mental health has taken a beating in this very difficult world.