Here are two Dapol VEA’s that were recently purchased by Group Member Graham. I had heard quite a bit about them before they were brought to me to weather. A lot of people were concerned that the Red/Grey Railfreight livery was a bit ‘plasticy’ and needed to be repainted! Anyway this is how I finished both a Red/Grey and a Bauxite one. Firstly I varnished the sides to ensure that the tampo printed lettering was stable, when using harsh thinners of some tampo lettering it can become soft and move and/or distort.
After leaving the varnish to dry for three days I did a wash and wipe with dilute Matt Black paint. This left the paint in all crevices after wiping. I then airbrushed Frame Dirt, Brake Dust and a little Matt Black to the underframe, cleaning the hand brake handles before drying, these are usually wiped regularly for safety reasons. Lastly I dry brushed the chassis springs, brake pads, buffers and couplings with various rust colours. I also stippled the roofs with a little dilute Matt Black and Mid Grey, just to take the fresh look away.
Please see the below results, I must say these are excellent wagons and weathering does take the ‘plasticy’ look away.