This recent purchase has ticked another item of my ‘wanted list’ and leaves just two! The E4 was a bit of a gamble as nobody was bidding on it! I thought I must have been missing something, but just did not know what, so it was mine on the opening bid of £320 !
At the price, this has turned out well, yes it is not perfect, but for the price its just what I wanted. It needs a complete repaint and a few bits upgraded, but it is very well made and runs OK after a quick cleaning of the wheels and pick-ups. I hope a full service will follow soon.
I intend to renumber it 62797, a Norwich Loco. This gives me the right cab and tender type combination, this Loco was withdrawn in 1958, one of the last. I saw this loco in 1956 at Lowestoft – great memories!