Spent quite a bit of time on the layout today. Firstly I have put a wash on the viaduct track and ballast, I have included a before and after with the photos – still more to do when I decide whether the line is to be in a used or dis-used condition. I have undercoated the Loco Shed plinth, a wash next and then detail further. I have now put the ballast on the three storage sidings and head -shunt, I will Glue it all down tomorrow. The rest of the day was taken up by grading the ballast into various sizes, smallest for the storage sidings and around the Shed area, the slightly larger ballast will be used on the lines leading to the Storage and Shed areas. Basically the areas with high footfall and greater use get the smallest ballast/sand. Please note, this is a OO layout, but I am using N Gauge Ballast and adding Sand to the mix after grading!