Spent today trying to catch up with some weathering. First on the long list are the WW1 wagons recently purchased by Graham. They will now appear on 4000 yards – Area 5.

Spent today trying to catch up with some weathering. First on the long list are the WW1 wagons recently purchased by Graham. They will now appear on 4000 yards – Area 5.
Yesterday 4000 Yards attended the Norfolk Railway Society Exhibition at Poringland near Norwich. This was an excellent Show and very well attended.
We were showing some new rolling stock that Graham recently purchased as well as some old favourites. As usual the overall effect was excellent and it went down very well with the visitors.
Here are a few photos taken during the day by my wife Audrey and Jaeson one of the operators.
When Graham purchased his new SM32 Layout, he also purchased some rolling stock. Here are three wagons that he will be taking to the NRS Exhibition at Poringland tomorrow to run on our original WW1 layout 4000 yards.
I have started the process of weathering by giving them two coats of matt varnish in preparation for the paint and powders to be added. Sadly time ran out and they will go in the below condition, with weathering taking place later.
This Sm32 16mm WW1 Layout is the latest addition to our Exhibition Layout portfolio. It has been purchased by group member Graham from Chris Hopper. Graham has also purchased some stock from Chris, including a locomotive. The layout is DCC Sound equipped as is the Locomotive.
I will add the layout to our Exhibition Layouts page soon and it will be available for Exhibitions straight away.
The below photos are by Chris Hopper and Andrew Burnham.
Over the weekend of the Gala Graham and Shaun did both days and were joined by John and Charlie with their Layout Grubb Lane on Sunday. Shaun had his large collection of O Gauge models on view, this included some scratch and kit built items. Graham was showing items that he had 3D printed, both in O Gauge and in SM32. Again the photos were taken by my wife.
This is a Slaters kit, made by Graham and painted and weathered by myself. It is to run on our SM32 Layout 4000 yards – Area 5. Straight forward kit to build, although some of the resin casting details were a bit flimsy. Always remember give these resin kits a good wash and scrub before painting as the mold release powder can cause painting problems.
Here are some photos taken by Shaun at GETS. 4000 Yards Area 5 is our SM32 Layout based in WW1 on the France, Belgium Border.
It seems a long time since these items appeared at the Garden Railway Show 2021 in a pristine state. Well, they have now been weathered for their next appearance in a couple of weeks time.
Over the last few days I have been painting and weathering stock for Graham – all were made by him and I just finished them off.
Stock for a potential new layout – possibly a sand and gravel option.
This Loco has been painted and weathered without the chassis due to wheel issues.
These are a selection of hoppers, flat and bolster wagons – all short wheelbase.
And finally —- the 4000 yards Hospital Wagon is now weathered.
This was a very complicated project, but I am happy with the result – I hope Graham is!
Our first Exhibition of 2020 was at the Norfolk & Suffolk Narrow Gauge Exhibition at Beccles. This turned out to be an excellent Exhibition with record attendance and a very high class of layouts.
Although I am not particularly a Narrow Gauge Fan – this Exhibition certainly got our group thinking and at our debrief at ‘Maccie D’s’ on the way home – there was a lot of enthusiasm to build another group narrow gauge layout.
We took our latest wagon to the Exhibition although not quite finished and weathered – the Hospital Wagon got some very good comments. Below are some excellent photos taken by Shaun. Group photo by my wife – thanks both.