Here are a few old Heljan 47’s that I weathered this afternoon. All are detailed one end and retain tension locks at the other, I have also replaced the cab handrails for something a bit finer. I detailed these many years ago but have only just weathered them. I still think they look good and are a good entry level for a cheapish 47 – plenty available on selling sites for around £80.
O gauge items for a friend
Quite a varied bunch of stock numbering and weathering for a friend. The 05 is a fictional livery and was not weathered. The 14XX and the Class 15 Diesel were both lightly weathered, and lastly we have the N.E Van which was a complete paint job and weathering.
OO Coaches revisited
Its marvellous what projects I took on over twenty years ago, and the amount of time I spent doing them. I certainly could not repeat a lot of them now I am almost 75 Years Old!
I had somebody ask about coaches I had repainted the other day and dug them out and photographed them for old times sake!
Five Coaches in Nat Express – East Anglia – 3 x 2nd Class– 1 x 1st Class– Buffet 1st
(I used to run a ONE DVT with this set)
Anglia Rake – 6 coaches — 1 x 1st Class –3 x 2nd Class– 1 x Buffet — 1 x DBSO
3D printed Railway Folk
Here are some of the first batch of samples in O Gauge, passed to me by Graham M. I have painted and posed a few on a layout. I have passed a few comments on some photos just for fun!
One size bigger Hat next time!
Is this the front end?
Look at the state of my car!
That’s the third time today I have heard that joke!
That’s my Loco – get off !!
Where’s the cattle dock !
O Gauge A8 4-6-2T
This is a DJH kit built Loco, made to a very good standard – just needs tidying a bit and real coal added. I will also try to enhance the weathering a bit.
I hope to get my Steam Depot, Mission Road out during the Summer, Clean it down and have a photo session of my weathered Locos, until then here are some photographed on my photo plank.
Mid Suffolk Light Railway
I have been working with a small team to organise an O Gauge Exhibition at the MSLR (Middy) on 9th June 2024.
We have Ten plus layouts, five Demos, five Displays, two Societies and five various Traders. Steam hauled trains running and the Mendlesham Airfield Museum will also be operating.
Also on site are the Middy Shop, Real Ale Bar and hot and cold refreshments. there is ample free parking and disabled parking.
We are part of a group promoting all forms and derivatives of O Gauge modelling – we welcome all questions about the gauge and can give advice – we want to help.
Pegasus Cement Works – Progress
I had a meeting with Graham, the owner/maker of this project today. He has asked me to do the hard standing on the layout based on a concrete loading/unloading area.
As usual in O Gauge I am doing this 3mm Cork – after an overall application I add strips to simulate the blocks as laid by the reinforcing method. The gaps give you a chance to add a few weeds etc. later. Next step is to lay cork between the tracks and fill as necessary.
After completing the above it will be coated with Railmatch concrete paint and then weathered and detailed. It will then be handed back to Graham for completion before a final weathering overall. We are already booked for two Exhibitions later in the year.
Stanier 8F in O Gauge.
Another recent purchase of one of my priority Locos that I wanted to obtain. This is another Loco at the right price – but in need of some restoration.
Thanks to the Post Office there are now a few more repairs needed, in spite of a very well packaged item from the seller.
Thankfully it is a great runner still, with a multi stage gearbox and a very good motor, even the paintwork is reasonably good, although the weathering is not of a great standard.
This Loco will be a medium term project along with the recently purchased V3.
Weathering two Brake Vans
Here are a couple of OO Brake Vans that I have just weathered for my friend Ian, the SR one has been modified by Ian before weathering.
Two HUO hoppers in O Gauge
These O Gauge hoppers are Accurascale HUO 24.5T variety. My friend Peter purchased six of these wagon for an existing Club Layout.
I never seem to have enough wagons when I do weathering Demos and Peter usually gives me a few wagons to help me out – I did two at the Dereham Exhibition earlier in the year and did another two yesterday at another Demo. Just two more to go!