Electrics done on New O Gauge Layout

Nothing complicated here, just a few options for running trains. The fiddle yard is connected to the controller and then all three scenic tracks are connected to the fiddle yard. I have added three ON/OFF switches to the three scenic tracks so that you select which track you want to use if running more than one Loco. There is also a standard isolating switch on the nearest track for shunting manoeuvres. I am using a Gaugemaster Combi Controller as only small DC Locos will be used.

Now for a good clean up and continue making buildings for the layout.

Further Work on Pointless Layout

Since adding my first post on this project, I have continued to progress the layout. All back scene boards have been added and an extra inch added to the front of the layout to set the track a bit further back and to pin the curtain to when finished.

I have added extra space to the fiddle yard to hold a couple of wagons awaiting use, I have also added a board to partly conceal the sector plate.

I have purchased a goods shed (Lcut Creative), Coal Merchants Staithes (Skytrex) Four lever pad (Scenecraft)

Next Job electrics.

Just can’t do it (Class 50)

I have just received my latest Loco from Hattons. It took a week to get here after paying for next day delivery. But it has given me some thinking time on this new Loco. I purchased this Loco because of price and I had a conversion kit to turn a refurbed Loco into an ‘as built’ variety. Now that it has arrived I just can not do the conversion, it is such a superb Loco.

So here we have 50008 Thunderer in BR Blue, the so called Engineers Livery. I intend to run it in the 2018 – 2020 era, as it is a mainline certificated Loco and has been seen on my parts of the network. The main work will be to change the overhead warning signs, add nameplates and crests then a light weathering.

Another Pointless Layout

After doing quite a bit of weathering over the Summer and Autumn, the weather is now turning cold and the airbrushing is slowing down in the Garage.

Still being in lockdown and self isolating, I really need to keep working on something to stop myself going into ‘couch potato’ mode.

I have several baseboards already made and after much thought I have decided to do a small village goods yard in O Gauge. I guess I have a few withdrawal symptoms after selling ‘Sefton Yard’ a couple of years ago.

The layout will hold 15 four wheel wagons and a small loco, that’s quite a detailed ‘shunting puzzle’

Track laying is now complete on this light and flexible little 5′ 6″ layout. I will post updates as things progress so that you can follow each step.

And the wagons came in 2 x 2

Sadly the Dapol Collectors is no more, but thanks to my son John we took advantage of their last kind offers.

Firstly a pair of LOBITOS tank wagons. As these are both mine, I renumbered one. This is a medium weathering.

Next are the first of the Banana Vans, One for me and one for Graham. So no need to renumber. These are the FFYFES variety

The second batch of Banana Vans are the GEEST variety. Again one for me and one for Graham. Again no need to renumber .