Heljan O Gauge PCA

This is the first of three PCA’s, I intend to do one lightly weathered, one medium and one heavy, this is the heavy.

Three main methods used on this one, dribbling a mix of paint and thinners, about 50-50%, airbrushing and dry brushing.

I researched lots of photos of PCA’s before starting, but I admit it was trial and error. Pleased with the results though.

Pegasus at Whitwell and Reepham

On Sunday Pegasus Cement Works was at The W & R Exhibition. We always enjoy this Show as it always has a great atmosphere, this year was no exception with lots of great comments and conversations. Pegasus is in a little bit of a transition at present with extra buildings, cameo scenes and fencing being added, but not yet blended by weathering.

BR(W) Push – Pull Coach

At a recent exhibition I saw this coach for sale by a trader, although I already had a similar coach in Crimson and Cream, I purchased the coach for £100. I knew when I purchased it that it had a few problems with some parts laying in the box! After a quick look, I saw that all displaced parts we there and it was just a case of reconstruction.

When I got home I added all the errant parts and painted over any joins. I have just weathered the coach to a medium level and must admit that I am pleased with cheap addition to my stock.

Heljan Observation Saloon

Well, been waiting a long time for this, and it has eventually arrived. After I had put back all the pieces that had fallen off in transit and straightened the air horns which were bent quite badly, it was ready for a light weathering. This is an O Gauge Maroon Midland Region version and will run with Steam and early Diesel Locos, so could not be left pristine.

Class 26 in O Gauge- Long Story

And when I say a long story – I mean it! This Loco is from Heljan’s first run of Class 26’s and as such suffered from major gearing problems, how they got away with such a shambles I really don’t know. Anyway, before Xmas last year I purchased a set of Brass gears from Ultrascale that cost over £60 with the intention of making both this Loco and a similar Class 26 operate of one bogie not two, at least that brought the costs down to £30 per Loco and that works for me as I only have a Depot layout so no heavy trains to pull. This has been achieved with the help of my friend Peter from within our Group – thanks Mate, the other one is ‘in works’ now.

So, rather belatedly I have now weathered it, results as under.