Here are the balance of the OO wagons for Peters Western Region Layout. These are Vans, Grains and Brakes. I have also included a photo of Peters Layout so far.

Here are the balance of the OO wagons for Peters Western Region Layout. These are Vans, Grains and Brakes. I have also included a photo of Peters Layout so far.
This is the start of the wagon weathering on Peters Western Region OO Layout – open wagons and tank wagons first, others to follow.
This is the second batch of my sons weathering requirement. I must say that N gauge weathering is not as easy as it may seem, at least I find it so. A least they will now look better on his layout?
PNA Railtrack – 3 in rake
Salmon – 1 in Rake
Limpets – 3 in rake
RMC Bogies – 4 in rake
Seacows – 5 in Rake
RES BG’s – 6 in rake
At the recent Stowmarket MRC Exhibition at Elmswell, my son debuted our new N Gauge layout ‘Coopers Common’. When I made the layout it was completely weathered, but on the day much of the stock was out of the box. Over the next few months I intend to weather all the stock and locos, I am fairly sure I can finish every thing before the next Exhibition in the Autumn, but other work will have to take a back seat!
Network Rail Ballast/Spoil Wagons (11 in rake)
Ketton Cement (10 in Rake)
Carless Tanks- Gas Condensate (9 in Rake)
EWS Large Boxes (6 in Rake)
Taking advantage of a recent Rails Sale, I purchased a CCT with factory weathering. When it arrived I was a bit stunned by just how over powering the weathering was! I set about re-weathering straight away. I did a wash wipe with dilute matt black, followed by Railmatch weathering paints, a great improvement. I hope you think so.
Quite a varied bunch of stock numbering and weathering for a friend. The 05 is a fictional livery and was not weathered. The 14XX and the Class 15 Diesel were both lightly weathered, and lastly we have the N.E Van which was a complete paint job and weathering.
Here are a couple of OO Brake Vans that I have just weathered for my friend Ian, the SR one has been modified by Ian before weathering.
These O Gauge hoppers are Accurascale HUO 24.5T variety. My friend Peter purchased six of these wagon for an existing Club Layout.
I never seem to have enough wagons when I do weathering Demos and Peter usually gives me a few wagons to help me out – I did two at the Dereham Exhibition earlier in the year and did another two yesterday at another Demo. Just two more to go!
The third and final Wagon in my weathering session was a Dapol BR Brake Van. These are some of the hardest wagons to weather – especially the getting the shading between the planks in the veranda ends. These are the definitely a labour of love to complete.
Another of the recent batch of weathering. This is a 3D printed model, printed in 2 halves, since this was made, my friend has now perfected this model as a one piece print. I have a one piece model to paint and weather later.