O Gauge wagon weathering (PT1)

Here we have some various wagons weathered by using Designer Gouache as well as airbrushed Enamel paints – firstly two Hoppers, a Van and Shock open.

I did all the brush work using the Designer Gouache at a Demo at the Dereham Exhibition, I then airbrushed them with Satin Varnish to seal them and weathered the Chassis with Enamels as normal.

I find that using DG helps me to create a little depth to the rust etc, rather than enamels that can look a little flat!

Two Brakes and two Vans in O Gauge.

On Saturday (4/11/23) we are attending the Stowmarket RMC Open Day with a layout. I was asked by a member that will also be attending, to do a quick weathering job on four early wagons that he needs to run on a Club layout, here are the results.

Stowmarket MRC Open Day – 10.30 to 2.30 – 4/11/23

At – Stowmarket Football Club – Events Room

Come and see what the Club does and its projects – we will talk anything Model Railways – any Gauge.

O Gauge Loco Sand Wagon – Weathered

This loco sand wagon was painted over six months ago and this weekend I have managed to weather it, I could not find a colour photo of this wagon so I have done my own interpretation. This was a long lived wagon and lasted in this livery until the early sixties – although meant for filling Steam Locos sand boxes, this one lasted long enough to sand Diesels.