This wagon was made by Graham and painted by myself. It is not quite finished as we have no transfers for it, we hope to get them this weekend at the Bressingham Garden Railway Show. It will also be weathered after transfer application.
I must admit I took this wagon on as a challenge. When it arrived I did a plan on how I would go about it, including what paint I would use and the order I would do the painting. I also had been given a photograph of the prototype that has recently been restored.
After undercoating, I sprayed the chassis and bogies Battleship Grey. The colours were then added to the tank, sand colour first, then green (as Tin Turtle colour) and then the red oxide. The edging was added after all paint had 24 hours to dry. The Black lining was done with a ‘Black Permanent Marker’, as near scale as I could get. Oh yes, and a very steady hand !