These wagons were made by Ian Hammond, I have only weathered them as they were running just before withdrawal in the 1990’s. These wagons were very run down by then and many had lost their numbers, extra ones being painted or chalked crudely on the sides. I have used chinagraph pencil to add the numbers, so could be changed if required. This batch of five wagons differ in many ways, many converted from existing wagons.
Thompson Full Brake in O Gauge
This is a kit-built Thompson Full Brake in BR Maroon – as running late 50’s. It was given a wash/wipe with matt black and airbrushed with frame dirt, brake dust, roof dirt and matt black to give it a medium weathering. It will look good in a parcels train or milk train.
Dutch Dogfish in O Gauge
Here are two Heljan Dogfish from the second batch recently delivered. I have given both a light to medium weathering with special attention to the inside of the hopper and the ballast shutes.
I felt I needed to make the interior much ‘grittier’ than I normally do, to add more realism – I hope it is a step forward.
BR 3MT 2-6-2 82029 (OO)
This is a loco I purchased a long time ago. I super detailed it and used it on my steam depot layout of the time ‘Alex Bridge’. When I sold the layout and most of its stock, this Loco was overlooked and not sold. I have now given the loco a light weathering before moving on to its new owner.
D8015 in Green weathered -OO
Here is a OO Class 20 D8015. I have weathered it as a ‘living with steam engines’ diesel in the late 50’s. I have left the headcode discs off so that my friend Ian can chose his own display to suit its duty of the day.
20148 Weathered in O Gauge
My friend Graham is coming over from Australia at the end of the month and this is his Loco. It has been weathered to a light-medium level. I am trying to find a way of securely fitting the snowploughs that it carried for a time, problem is, it only carried outside ploughs both ends. As the supplied Snowploughs have a centre section and are all joined by a bar, experiments are taking place – but I may well need a good etch to do it properly.
All my usual methods were used, wash and wipe followed by airbrushing and dry brushing. HMRS transfers used with Railmatch and Humbrol paints.
Final Batch of Dapol Mk1’s weathered
As the title says – the final batch – this time they are in BR Maroon. All have been renumbered and given my usual weathering methods. See the post before this one for colours used etc.
Dapol Mk1’s -weathered in O Gauge.
This is the third batch of Dapol Mk1’s I have weathered – that’s over 20 coaches in total. This time they are the BR Crimson and Cream variety. I have to say that these are the best Mk1’s ever made – seriously better than those that came before.
All coaches were re-numbered using HMRS Transfers.
The work I carried out was as follows:-
1/ I put dilute matt black in all door creases and then wiped off any excess with a cotton bud.
2/ I did a wash and wipe on the roof to highlight the vents etc.
3/ I hand painted all the wheel rims with a matt black and brown mix.
4/ I masked all windows to avoid overspray.
5/ Out with the airbrush and attacked the sole bar, bogies, under chassis and buffers – I used three different colours, Frame Dirt, Brake Dust and Matt Black.
6/ I then dry brushed a dark rust on all springs to highlight.
D5670 in O Gauge -Medium Weathering
I always think the Class 31’s weather up very well, especially the green ones. My usual methods were used – starting with a ‘wash and wipe’ with dilute matt Black – followed by airbrushing five different colours – and finally dry brushing with three other colours.
Bressingham Gardens Exhibition 23/10
Quite an unusual occasion this Sunday (23rd) at Bressingham Gardens and Museum. For the first time in over 30 years modelling there will be three layouts that I built on display at this Exhibition, although they are all with new owners.
Morlock Heath – BR 1985 – O Gauge – Engineers Yard – Now owned by Graham Minshull – STAND 15
Lowe St. – BR late 50’s and 60’s – OO Gauge -Sleeper Depot – Now owned by Nick Goward – STAND 12
Grub Lane – Industrial 1960’s – O Gauge – Engine Shed – Now owned by John Barnes – STAND 19
This is our last Exhibition this year so please come and say hello to us all. It has been a very traumatic year for our group and the next four months with no Shows will help us come to terms with some of the changes in our lives.
We have potentially at least 10 Exhibitions next year starting at Dereham in the first week in March 2023.