The extra point duly arrived and has been fitted. This gives the final track plan after the extra siding was added. The next job is to reinstate the isolating sections and wire up the new point. I am now happy after the amendments and glad I carried them out, instead of wondering ‘what if’ at a later date.
The adding of an extra 6″ continues to progress. I have added three of the four extra track lengths in the sidings, I am waiting for another point to arrive to complete the head-shunt and then start the extra siding. After moving some isolating sections the layout will now hold 14 locos and three wagons.
Decision day today. After a lot of thought I decided to lengthen the layout by 6″, making it now 5′ overall. This modification allows another point and siding to be added, and three sidings to be lengthened. It will increase the loco isolations from 6 to 11 on the layout. The reason I did this was because if I had not done it I would have always wondered why not!!! I have also got 15 BR(E) Engines!!!
Spent nearly all day working on the Engine Shed Layout. The inner wall has been added to the now one track upper line, it will be clad with bricks or block plastic sheeting. The extra sections of track have been added to the bottom sidings to increase their length. The two engine shed roads have also been lengthened and stops added. I have started to move the isolating sections after track lengthening, I still have some to do.
This is a story that started about 15 years ago. This layout was partially made for a friend, I can not remember why the project was stopped, but it has remained in a state of limbo all that time.
I recently did some weathering for this same friend and it was suggested that I could have the layout back in exchange. It was agreed and it is now back with me.
After being re-united, I decided that there was several things that really needed to change. This includes taking the upper lines back from two to one, allowing more room to lengthen the two kickback sidings on the lower section.
It will remain a Steam Engine Shed and will be called its original name ‘Wyke Street’. I am looking to run 10-12 Engines, mixed about 50-50 Tender and Tanks. I think a couple of wagons could also be useful.
Since moving to O gauge, I have very few Steam Engines in OO, but I think just enough with a couple of purchases.
I have other friends that have also moved from OO to O, but still have a few locos available. I am prepared to make this a ‘group’ layout so that members can run their OO stock at Exhibitions.
Today I had a visit from Peter with his Stoney End O16.5 layout. We have now weathered the track and surrounds in readiness for its next two Exhibitions. The layout will be at Shenfield Exhibition this Saturday (21st). Two other of our group layouts will also be in attendance, Framlington with Nick and Ashwell Moor with my Son John, please go and have a chat with the lads.
Peter will also be at the Cathedral in Bury St Edmunds on the 28th along with my ‘London Transport’ Layout Dark Lane.
I started this OO layout about 15 years ago for a friend. I can not remember the full reason the project was suspended, but its been sitting in a garage for a long time!
I swapped it for some weathering work, and it is now back with me! It has faired very well in the many years of storage and after a clean, ran very well.
I have several things to decide, whether to change the track plan a little, run as steam or diesel, what era and the time of year it is to be set in!
I have even asked a few mates for input, as it could become a group layout.
It has been tight, but the layout is now ready for its first Exhibition. The O Gauge shunting plank will attend the GOG Meet Up at Bury St Edmunds on Sunday (15/9).
My part in its development is now over after doing all the weathering of stock and buildings. I have also added an office building above the entrance and some barrels, pallets and loaded pallets.
I think Graham, the owner plans to add a portacabin or similar and some workers. That should pull it all together nicely.
Well, the cement loading Silo is now weathered and below is photographed in roughly the right place on the layout. It is still missing one ladder and safety hoop, but this should be available soon.
I think that there are several things I would do differently in hindsight, mainly revisit the height of the backscene.
I now consider phase one is complete and it will be attending the two Exhibitions booked for this year, I really hope that there will be a phase two next year to put some of the wrongs right!
Today I have added two top coats on the Loading Silo, It is placed on the layout in the photos – but not in the right position. After a varnish, it will be weathered and the bottom part glued to the layout and blended. I will need to check that the highest wagon and loco will pass beneath the loader before gluing! – may even be able reduce the height slightly. We need to turn our attention to signage now and work out sizes and positions.