I have now completed the weathering of my O Gauge Passenger Brake Van – The first four photos are as weathered – the last photo is as originally purchased. A before and after comparison.
I have now completed the weathering of my O Gauge Passenger Brake Van – The first four photos are as weathered – the last photo is as originally purchased. A before and after comparison.
Here are a few photos I took of my O gauge layout Mission Road – No Locos about – but thro’ the bridge and over the top.
I recently purchased this O Gauge model of a Thompson 6 wheel Passenger Brake Van. It was ready made and painted by CRT. Nothing to do but weathering, that will be done ASAP.
Mission Road is my O Gauge Steam Shed Layout. We had a photo session this afternoon, running BR(S) locos. Most are recently weathered Locos, they combine well in the Shed environment.
At last I have got around to weathering this Loco after buying it many years ago. I have weathered it to a medium to heavy standard. It will run on my Steam Loco Depot in my BR (M) era when I finish it off.
This is the other part of my O Gauge photo session, but this time with BR(S) Loco’s.
A photo session this morning on my O Gauge layout ‘Little Sefton’. I took Photos of all my recent weathered Locos and this is the BR(M) selection. I don’t think weathering really comes to life until the Locos are on a layout and working trains.
This is a loco I purchased quite a while ago – I have further detailed the Engine by replacing the Chimney with a cast brass item and added fire irons etc. This weathering is medium to heavy, as running towards the end of its life.
This is one of my quite recent purchases, it seems to have jumped the system a bit! I have given the loco a medium weathering of grime and dirt to indicate by this time it did not see much cleaning, if any. I have used a little gloss varnish around the water filler tank lids, indicating a recent top up.
I have done a refurbishment and weathering of this rather rough Black Five. It has not been an easy job as the bulk of the loco has rather crudely been put together with super glue and epoxy resin instead of soldering! I have continued using these glues doing refurbishment as I had no other choice. I am very pleased with the outcome considering the constraints – it will look good sitting on a Steam Shed Layout – a lot of running could cause other problems.