O Gauge V3 now weathered

As previous posts indicated this Loco has been reworked from a rather tatty looking Model. Now weathered and blended. I purchased this Loco because it is a superb runner.

Just noticed that it has no drain-cock pipes – will try and fabricate some. I think the previous owner did not add them so the front bogie wheels can turn without fouling them – we will see !

J15 Early BR in O Gauge

This is a Loco purchased by a friend in LNER livery – my job was to turn it into a loco that was used on the Haughley to Laxfield branch before it closed in the early 50’s. Part of it is now called the called the Mid Suffolk Light Railway and operates on some re-laid track.

After research we discovered that 65447 was the Ipswich engine most photographed on the line on both Passenger, Goods and mixed Trains.

This Sunday 9/6/24 will be ‘The Middy’s’ O Gauge Exhibition and this Loco will be operating on a layout that I made about ten years ago and since sold to Graham. It is called Little Sefton – come and have a look – all proceeds go to the track extension.

J15 in O Gauge

Here is a O Gauge J15 recently purchased by Graham, a group member. It was partly in LNER Livery and it needed a partial repaint of the tender after original lettering removed. It also is awaiting a smoke box dart to finish off. A footplate crew will also be added later.

It has now been numbered and lettered into BR Early Logo as 65447, a loco that was a regular on the Mid Suffolk Light Railway until Closure.

It still has to be medium weathered when the varnish is dry.

O Gauge J68

Here is an O Gauge J68 – partial repaint after removing old numbering. I then renumbered it as required – just waiting for the varnish to dry and then a light weathering will take place. Sadly due to the vacuum brake and air brake pipes being soldered on the buffer beam in the wrong places, I could not put the numbers on the buffer beams.

I am afraid to say that the transfers I used have doubled in price over the last two years – this can not be good for the Hobby.

Photo Plank – idea

I recently refurbished my OO and O Gauge photo planks, they are several years old and needed some TLC. I also put photos of the O Gauge plank on a superb website called – Realistic Model Railways – it is a very friendly site and cultivates ideas for yourself and others. Anyway a kind gentleman suggested that I should try a ‘curved’ corner on the plank – this was to improve the photos and cut down on sharp shadows formed by the corner. I think I have seen this method used on a few layouts over the years.

I intend to re-do both the O and OO planks when I get time – but in the meantime I had a go at the suggestion on the OO plank and ‘patched’ it in – did it work. Yes it did, thank you kind Sir.



Please Note – this was quickly done and the replacement will have a photographic background. By the way the Tamper was scratch-built 40 years ago by myself and a friend.

Refurbished Photo Planks

My photo planks were looking a bit tatty, so I decided to freshen them up a bit. A clean and then patch up on both, finished off the new backscene on the O Gauge plank. I have left the hand painted backscene on the OO plank. Added quite a bit of groundcover bushes and grasses on both. All I need to do now is become a better photographer!!!!

It is my ultimate plan to produce two new planks, twice the size and much more detailed with photographic backscenes.

O Gauge

OO Gauge

Industrial Terrier -O Gauge.

This is another one of my recent purchases from a Rails Bargain Weekend. I wanted something a bit different and discovered that at least two Terriers entered industrial service between the wars. My Industrial layout is late 50’s, so this is where Modellers licence comes into play. I would like to thank Ian H. for his assistance in the research on this project. At £125 for the Loco, it just had to be done!