Three new DAPOL coaches.

These are the first of Dapol’s new O Gauge Coaches I have weathered. Here we have a BSK, SO and a CK in Blue and Grey, all have been given a light weathering.

The first thing I did was to get a black wash into all door grooves and creases, this is what I call shadowing and it’s the main method I use to make rolling stock look less plasticy and more 3D. I wiped away any overspill after about five minutes.

I painted the wheel rims black to blend with the rest of the wheel. The next job was to blacken the very bright buffers.

Now out with the air brush and the use of Railmatch Frame Dirt, Brake Dust, Roof Dirt and Humbrol Black. After this I dry brushed a little self mixed dark rust on the main bogie springs and secondary springs, I also added greasy blobs to the buffer faces. Finally I air brushed a small amount of roof dirt and matt black on the roof with special attention to the vents and piping.

Well the verdict on the Dapol Coaches and how they weather – 9.5 out of 10 – super models. My only advice is be careful with the glazing, it does mist very slightly, but compared to other makes they are brilliant.

Class 14 Numbered (O Gauge)

Although I have called this post Class 14 Numbered, it really is about the researching of an engine that would fit into two BR era’s on two regions.

Most people know that these engines were virtually redundant before they were delivered to the Western Region and many know they ended up in great numbers with the NCB and Steel Companies, but they also spent some time on Humberside, to be precise Hull.

I therefore picked D9523, Delivered to the WR, went to Hull and ended up with the NCB. This research gives me two BR locations and an Industrial loco for exchange sidings etc.

Congratulations to Minerva Models – great Loco.

To be weathered later.

O gauge SR Atlantic re-work

This is the last and most difficult re-work of the six cheap locos I purchased. The first four were reasonably easy to repair, this one had obviously been dropped from a height and needed a lot of TLC. This was a complete strip down and a big re-solder and glue session, lots of filing and rubbing down and then a complete repaint, lining and numbering. Because of the state of the Loco I did not put any money into the project and leftover bits and pieces from previous projects were used. This meant that there was a few things that had to be omitted, like some lining.

If you remember, I traded the sixth loco for some electrical services off group member Graham, this has still to happen on this Loco.

Considering I was contemplating binning this Loco, I am relatively happy with the result, although close scrutiny is not recommended. I will weather it later to try and hide more suspect bits, but it will always be a ‘at the back’ on the steam shed.

And the Presflo’s keep coming

Here is the penultimate batch of Presflo’s heading down under to my mate in Australia. In fact he is coming over in November to see his family and collect them.

I think I have learned a few lessons as I done the different batches and this batch has proved the most popular. These are all wash and wipe with all sections wiped with cotton buds, lots of cotton buds. I guess you take off about 70% of the wash. Nice result but very time consuming – I then varnished the whole upper structure.

Another batch of Presflo’s

This is the second batch of Presflo’s I have done for my mates – this time group member Graham. This batch are for two era’s, Tops and Pre-Tops. I used my usual methods of weathering to ensure differences between members of the rake. These Ellis Clark Presflo’s really are great models.

CPV – Tops up to 1985 (3)

Pre Tops – one yellow – one grey – up to 1972 (2)

Schools Class 30922 (O Gauge)

This is probably the last of my five resurrections of the cheap SR locos. I have started on the Atlantic but it is proving beyond my capabilities – we will see!

Back to Schools Class Loco Cheltenham, This was in reasonable condition and I did not even have to do a partial repaint. It was just a case of adding missing parts and revamping broken parts.

So there we are – six locos purchased – one traded for some services to motors – four completed – one in limbo land as to whether I can achieve a reasonable result. Well for my initial outlay of £600 for six locos – I now have four very passable locos that I value at least £250 each – would I do it again – yes!!!!!

Three BR (Southern) Locos

These are the first three Locos of the six I purchased in May – all were in very Poor Condition, including Rusty Wheels, Poor Paintwork, Lost Parts and being Non Runners. The Build Quality was quite poor, I paid £100 for each Loco!!!! I thought they probably were Ex Garden Railway Locos !!!

All wheels cleaned, some may need replacing later – All with be weathered to tone down sub standard transfer lining.

This is an update of what’s happened so far on each loco.

T9 – unknown Kit

Complete repaint, missing parts made, Motor refurbished and general re-soldering or gluing.

E1 4-4-0 -David Andrews Kit

This was a somewhat newer kit and needed a little less work – Loco is still awaiting its Motor refurbishment. The following was needed, partial repaint, some re-soldering, make missing parts and fit, had to be renumbered as it was numbered as an E1 tank engine !!!!

Class D – Javelin Kit

Again a reasonable kit, motor still to be refurbished, Partial repaint, make missing parts and fit, re-solder and glue some loose parts. Bogie misaligned and sitting to high – reprofiled for better fit.

The other three is now two!! I gave the Lord Nelson 4-6-0 to Graham to help pay for the reconditioning of the motors he is doing for me – This is very likely to run again after some TLC. Of the remaining two, the Schools is certainly repairable and will be worked on next. This leaves the Atlantic which is the worst by far, only 50-50 whether I can do it, as it appears to have taken a tumble in the past.

Well that’s the update, further photos when I have weathered them.