This is the rest of Nicks stock for ‘Lowe St.’ There are two 08’s, one 48DS and a few wagons. All have been weathered after fitting of loops and spratt’s as necessary. The blue 08 was factory weathered by Bachmann, I have tried to enhance it a bit, but I prefer to start with a blank canvas.
When I sold ‘Lowe St’ to Nick I also said I would weather some more of his Loco’s and put the Spratt and Winkle loops on for him. I thinks he intends to make them DCC sound having already converted ‘Lowe St’ to a DCC system.
I am still working on two 08’s and some wagons – will be posted when finished.
This is the finished model of 37405 in what was the standard DRS livery up until about 5 years ago. This model was purchased in this livery as a limited edition. I have now detailed the Loco with all the usual DRS features and added the snow ploughs etc.
This is the latest Class 45 Model from Bachmann, at last they have done the flush front with sealed beam headlights. This is 45040 in medium to heavy weathering.
This is the first time I have ever seen this model and I must say it certainly looks the part. My friend wanted it renumbered and weathered to a medium level, here are the results.
Note:- I have now picked the coal out with a little dry brushed gloss varnish – much improved since photos taken.
After weathering a half a dozen Class 47’s in a low to medium format, I decided to move up a couple of notches and make a medium to heavy attempt. After looking at some photos, this is the result.
Today I am going back to the late 80’s – early 90’s. During this time Stratford gathered a diverse collection of Class 47’s released from other duties. When I saw them they were mostly on Engineering trains, but they are likely to have been on a variety of trains. From what I can remember they always seem to have been very well looked after hence my models are only light to medium weathered. I have also picked locos that were not manufactured by the mainstream modelling industry, 47711 excepted.
All the Locos are first generation OO Heljan and have buffer beam details at one end and tension lock at the other. Again it is hoped they may run on ‘Osier Fen’ Layout, if not they will be sold.
Here are two original Heljan Class 47’s that I detailed about ten years ago for a proposed new layout. This layout never happened and after detailing I just put them away. I am hoping that these will eventually run on my new OO layout Osier Fen, if not be sold.
In fact I detailed about twenty Locos at that time and I hope to work through them during lockdown and weather the lot! Watch this space!
Both Locos are light to medium weathering. They have one ends buffer beams super detailed and the other ends with tension locks left.
Both these Class 37’s have been weathered to a medium level. Although from different eras the method was the same – wash and wipe followed by airbrushing and a little dry brushing.
37026 Loch Awe
This loco is from the Early 80’s Scottish Region and was part of an influx of 37’s that replaced small Sulzer powered locos. This was one of the first locos to carry the Scotty Dog emblem of Eastfield Depot.
37423 Spirit of the Lakes
This is a loco that is currently running in this condition as part of the DRS Fleet. This loco is one of a few locos that have had their original lights replaced by light cluster pods. The Loco was purchased by a friend from Rainbow Railways who did the conversion. I super detailed it and weathered it only.
Many of you that are either on the Local Exhibition Circuit or attend Local Exhibitions will remember my friend Graham Tandy. Graham actually retired from the circuit about three years ago, sold his layout and most stock and settled in for a life with little or no modelling. Sadly around this time Grahams wife became ill and his knees became more troublesome than before.
Now coming up to date, Grahams wife has sadly got worse and he is still troubled with mobility. Not a good situation, but to make life a little more bearable he has started on a new layout – Ollands Sidings, this all at the age of 86!
Not only is it a new layout, its DCC Sound and diesel traction. Graham was always a master craftsman when it came to scratch building houses etc. and this layout is no different. It is early stages but he has made great progress and it is looking great.
I will keep posting on this site as the layout progresses. This will be the only place you will see what’s happening as this layout will never be exhibited due to reasons already explained. Before showing the first batch of photographs I would like to thank Ian Taylor, Grahams ‘over the road’ neighbour for his help assisting Graham to fulfill his latest Layout.
Please remember all Buildings below are scratch built.