Industrial Terrier Named

I have now named my O Gauge Industrial Terrier, it is now called ‘Sofia’ after my grand daughter. The engine was a recent purchase for £125 in a box shifter sale. After a little research I discovered there was a couple that made it into Industrial service although not the era I model, so a little modellers licence took over. Sofia’s brother Charlie already has an 08 named after him, so this balances things up.

The Plates were custom made, and from time of order to delivery was about eight weeks. The plates came from CNS, Custom Nameplate Studio, and I cannot recommend them enough – superb service.

O Gauge BR 4MT Tank

This is going to be one to watch over the next few weeks. This is a Bachmann Brass Loco from several years ago, it was stored and was only test run.

There is a lot of work to be done on this Loco, thankfully it has been factory painted already, so the biggest job is done already. I have already purchased the transfers, from Fox and HMRS.

I have researched the Loco already and chosen a Loco that was used on three different regions, the Southern, Eastern (LTS) and Midland region. The number will be 80069.

O Gauge J65 0-6-0T

This is a recent purchase, and fills a gap in my collection of Anglian locos. It is a well made loco with a few problems that should be fixable. It is at the moment numbered 68211 which was one of two taken into BR(E) service and renumbered in 1948. 68211 was withdrawn in 1953, 68214 lasted until 1956, so a number change is in order. To bring it to the correct spec. I will need to purchase some Ross-Pop safety valves.

Four latest 37’s from Heljan

After the arrival of the latest O Gauge Class 37’s from Heljan, much research was done to determine the identities of our chosen Locos. All will run in the 1984-8 era on my Sons Depot layout/Fuelling Point and at a later date on my unfinished stabling point. All to be weathered/re-weathered soon.

37052 (SF)

37011 (ED)

37013 (TE)

37068 Grainflow (TI)

Another Jinty – Early Livery

Yet another Jinty from Dapol and Box shifter low prices in O Gauge. It arrived in late livery with warning flashes – I moved it back 10 years or so. I removed all original livery apart from the smokebox number and shed allocation, retaining the original number meant that no new plates were required – a partial repaint followed by HMRS transfers and two coats of varnish. When dry I give it a medium weathering with a thin overall covering of grime – just as I remember shunting Engines.

2 Stratford 47’s in O Gauge

At the same time as doing the last three Steam Engines, I also finished off weathering two of my favourite Class 47’s. These two were on the Liverpool St to Norwich services in the mid 80’s – I used to take my sons up to see them and hoped they would follow me into Railways, full size and model – one did and one did not – not a bad conversion rate !

47634 Henry Ford

47596 Aldeburgh Festival

O Gauge V3 now weathered

As previous posts indicated this Loco has been reworked from a rather tatty looking Model. Now weathered and blended. I purchased this Loco because it is a superb runner.

Just noticed that it has no drain-cock pipes – will try and fabricate some. I think the previous owner did not add them so the front bogie wheels can turn without fouling them – we will see !